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Management Consulting (DEU)





Gianmaria La Porta
Head of Management Consulting







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*Quelle: (2023)

Oskar Gruber,
Vienna (AUT)
Transaction Advisory Services

More than Engineering

Roberto Mangano,
Abu Dhabi (UAE)
Technical Advisory

On Your Marks

Martin Erath,
Dubai (UAE)
PPP Advisory

Commited to Long Term

Joel Baret,
Rum/Innsbruck (AUT)
Water Infrastructure Advisory

Making the Difference

Simon Roth,
Munich (GER)
M&A Advisory

Commitment to Excellence

Andreas Linke,
Munich (GER) - Green Molecules
and Resources Advisory

From Data to Value



Market Studies

Growth strategies are based on increasing competitiveness in a comprehensive market environment. Frequent growth is also the result of the reaction to trends in specific sectors. A market study makes it possible to evaluate markets, competitors, trends, success factors, opportunities and risks in the target market. These findings are essential for strategic business decisions, they show companies how to best use their growth potential and help with the budgeting process for planned projects.

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Project Screening

Even the best planning and implementation of a project cannot rectify the mistakes made in the preceding screening process. Selecting projects carefully and diligently according to clearly defined goals holds the greatest optimization potential when creating new infrastructure. In order to be able to select the most suitable projects from planned undertakings, goal-oriented criteria have to be defined beforehand. They reflect the different requirements from the different infrastructure areas and the specific challenges.

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Pre-Feasibility Studies

Pre-feasibility studies investigate whether a concept satisfies the client’s objectives and the technical, economic, social and environmental constraints for a particular project. The studies also provide first assessments of conditions and assumptions under which a set of solutions is feasible and define the order of magnitude of the costs involved.

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Bankable Feasibility Studies

A project is only feasible and sustainable in the long term if the technical, economic, environmental, social and operational feasibility can be proven by suitable investigations. Financial institutions, sponsors and investors will only invest in projects if appropriate solutions can be found which cover all these aspects.

A bankable feasibility study meets all these requirements, identifies different ways to finance a project, and defines necessary prerequisites and conditions. It looks at the financial sustainability of the envisaged project for banks and other potential investors.

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Master Planning

Master plans point the way and provide guidance. Their development requires the integration of complex strategic, economic, regulatory, technical, social and environmental aspects. Their aim is to develop a strategic approach towards defined objectives, taking into account short-, mid-, and long-term implementation stages.

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Financial and Economic Analysis

The global effort to achieve higher standards of living necessitates continuous improvement and expansion of infrastructures and industries. Meeting this challenge requires enormous investment. The process of screening and selecting suitable financing opportunities for these projects is a major issue worldwide and requires a multidisciplinary understanding of the respective framework conditions.

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Institutional Analysis and Strengthening

Organizational weaknesses are bottlenecks in achieving goals. Institutional strengthening addresses the internal relations and the institutional framework of an organization. Following a thorough analysis of the status quo, core functions are optimized.
Institutional strengthening is a dynamic process where flexibility, learning and adjusting to changing circumstances are necessary. This implies a continuous iterative development process.

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Transaction Advisory Services and Due Diligence Analysis

Any major investment decision on either a greenfield or brownfield site requires a thorough analysis of complex issues, such as capital investment, operational expenditure, commercial, contractual and regulatory aspects. Furthermore, environmental performance as well as efficiency and dependability of related supply chains are important criteria for investment decisions.

Clients interested in transactions will require proper analyses of these issues to safeguard the continuity and sustainability of their potential investments.

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Lender’s Technical Advisory Services

Project financing is a key element of investments in the industry and infrastructure sector. In general, a project developer seeks to finance a significant part of the construction costs by borrowing through a special purpose vehicle, which tends to take the legal form of a limited liability company.
For this reason, financiers need a comprehensive risk assessment and a well-documented project basis before making any financing decision, and a suitable process to monitor the progress and quality of the project during implementation.

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PPP Advisory Services

In times of tighter public budgets, alternative models for project procurement and delivery gain wider acceptance. In order to meet the present-day challenges posed by complex infrastructure projects, more and more public institutions cooperate with private businesses in Public–Private Partnerships (PPPs).
In addition to providing access to private capital, PPPs permit the strengths and capacities of the respective partners to be used in an optimized way, achieving best risk-sharing. These models require a careful structuring of the respective responsibilities and contractual obligations as well as a careful and sensible allocation of tasks and risks in every part of the entire project lifecycle.

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Operation and Maintenance Consultancy

Optimized plant operation and proactive maintenance and excellent design and project implementation are preconditions for the long-term success of industrial and infrastructure projects. Aging plant infrastructure and changing demands and targets of plant operation pose a constant challenge that requires flexible and professional teams, processes and programs.

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Asset Management Consulting for Infrastructure Projects

Optimizing Productivity – Increasing the Value of your Assets
There is constant pressure to manage assets more efficiently and more effectively. This is driven primarily by changes in market conditions, regulatory requirements, policy, disruptive technologies and aging infrastructure, as well as risks and opportunities in asset procurement, operations and investment planning. The result is a need for regular and systematic review and alignment with global best practices.

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Dispute Resolution and Claims Management

Liability claims and other claims in the construction industry are often the result of inadequate preparation. They often arise from vague contractual terms or unclear scopes of work. The latter issue is usually solved by a step-by-step, detailed definition of the scope of work. However, a detailed discussion of the key construction contracts does often not begin before the tendering procedure.
Nevertheless, measures to avoid liability claims and other claims must already be taken when preparing the tender documents.

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